Friday, December 7, 2007

"The Dream" – Dream of Gurbaksh Chahal

"The Dream" is G’s latest project. It involves an upcoming book and reality-tv show. Thr Book is long form non-fictional account of his personal story on his road to achieving his dreams. The goal of this book is to inspire individuals throughout the world to understand the elements of risk in the pursuit of one’s dream. The book is stated for completion in summer 2008. It will detail G’s story of the successful creation of two internet-based companies worth more than $340 million, by the age of 25. Two companies are ClickAgents & Bluelithium. As well as, show journey of Gurbaksh Chahal from adolescence into the corporate world, and the many decisions, situations, and lessons he was forced to learn and make. For more information visit

1 comment:

The madslife said...

to learn anything from anyone is his or her experience. and as far I have gone through the book it will really help those people who wants to have their own enterprise, and a learning for others