Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Dream: In Stores Nationwide

Gurbaksh Chahal’s Book “The Dream”

The Dream” (Name of Gurbaksh Chahal’s book) is one of the dreams of Gurbaksh Chahal, which came true in October 2008. The goal of this book is to inspire individuals throughout the world to understand the elements of risk in the pursuit of one’s dream. It also details G’s story of the successful creation of two internet-based companies worth more than $340 million and also highlights his key experience involving motivation, risk, discipline, and courage in the pursuit of his aspirations.

The Dream is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and all major bookstores. You can call in advance to see if your local store has received their copies yet. If you’re in the UK and Canada – the book should be hitting stores shortly.

To know more about GURBAKSH CHAHAL , please visit the site

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