Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gurbaksh Chahal interviewed on NBC's TechNow

Gurbaksh Chahal interviewed by Scott McGrew on NBC 11's TechNow.Watch Video of interview and learn about his inventions. BLUELITHIUM, INC., A PERFORMANCE-BASED AD network, was founded in 2004 by Gurbaksh Chahal, who is the company's CEO. Currently, BlueLithium boasts of delivering more than 6 billion ad impressions to more than 60 percent of Internet users each month. Prior to starting BlueLithium, Chahal founded ClickAgents in 1998 in true startup fashion -- from his bedroom. Chahal is one of the most experienced and successful CEOs in interactive marketing. Keep your eye UP ON THE SCREEN for Gurbaksh Chahal!. For more information and or to interview Gurbaksh Chahal, Please visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog, hope to see more soonv