Sunday, January 6, 2008

Questions for BlueLithium's Gurbaksh Chahal

BLUELITHIUM, INC., A PERFORMANCE-BASED AD network, was founded in 2004 by Gurbaksh Chahal, who is the company's CEO. Currently, BlueLithium boasts of delivering more than 6 billion ad impressions to more than 60 percent of Internet users each month. Prior to starting BlueLithium, Chahal founded ClickAgents in 1998 in true startup fashion -- from his bedroom.

Following questions asked from Gurbaksh Chahal related to his invention of Bluelithium - A PERFORMANCE-BASED AD network

  • What are your business goals for BlueLithium in 2006?

  • How do you see the online publisher/ad network space evolving in the next few years?

  • What is the difference between what BlueLithium does for clients and what your competitors do? How would you characterize the company's competitive edge?

  • What are the most challenging and pressing issues in your business right now?

  • If you weren't heading this business, what would you most like to accomplish

Read answer of above question and read about Gurbaksh chahal.

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