Sunday, December 16, 2007

Young Internet Entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal

Gurbaksh Chahal isn't just another data superhighway opportunist; he's a prodigy. Joining the ranks of Internet pioneers Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Chahal has been garnering recognition for his vision since he was a teenager. Having recently sold his revolutionary business, he correctly understood where the Internet would be going in reference to advertising. That's where his BlueLithium came in. He knew targeted advertising would be a big thing in the future of the Internet, and he got out in front of it. He is now working on a book called "The Dream," where he'll talk about the major experiences he had and what it took to get him to where he is today. "The Dream" is due out in the spring of 2008. Keep your eye UP ON THE SCREEN for Gurbaksh Chahal! -

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