“The Dream” (Name of Gurbaksh Chahal’s book) is one of the dreams of Gurbaksh Chahal , which came true in Q4 2008. The goal of this book is to inspire individuals throughout the world to understand the elements of risk in the pursuit of one’s dream.
In "The Dream," Chahal's refreshing advice for entrepreneurs encourages them to embrace risk and to carve out new niches in the marketplace. He emphasizes the value of good business timing: how to execute an idea and get it to the marketplace, how to create and maintain solid business relationships, how to stay grounded, and--most importantly--how to teach yourself that failure is not an option. Chahal's story not only shows how a 16-year-old immigrant overcame discrimination and adversity to fulfill his highest ambitions, but also provides aspiring entrepreneurs with valuable hands-on advice on how to achieve success.
“The Dream” is also available in India now. The book costs approx. Rs. 1377, however, if you buy it from Flipkart, you can get it for Rs. 1129, so you can save Rs. 248. To know more about “Gurbaksh Chahal”, please visit the site http://www.chahal.com
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Dream: Now Available in India
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Gurbaksh Chahal: A Man with Great Intensions
Gurbaksh Chahal is possibly America’s most eligible bachelor who lives in a breathtaking penthouse overlooking the San Francisco Bay. Chahal’s is a classic rags-to-riches story. At 17, he knew little about girls, but was making $300,000 a month from the Internet advertising company he founded in his bedroom, living in his family’s low-income zone home. Click Agents, his first company, was snapped up for $40 million in 2000. The second, Blue Lithium, was bought by Yahoo for $300 million. Some of that fortune was shared when Gurbaksh Chahal went undercover in Secret Millionaire, lived with the poor and then rewarded the deserving with $100,000. Recently, Chahal launched his third start up “gWallet”, a new ecommerce solution. As the nation faces a time of economic uncertainty, gWallet is designed to help mitigate the financial burden of purchasing goods with an easy to use online platform that helps shoppers find the best deals on the Web. Gurbaksh Chahal is accustomed to risk. That’s how the 26-years-old Indian American raised in San Jose built an Internet fortune for himself, and he is not going to stop taking chances any time soon. To know more about Gurbaksh Chahal, please visit the site http://www.chahal.com