Few days back FOX Broadcasting released a preview of their upcoming reality show “The Secret Millionaire.” SECRET MILLIONAIRE is a dramatic unscripted series that takes viewers out of their comfort zones into the heart of America's social issues.
Each week, one of the wealthiest Americans, worth millions of dollars, will go undercover into one of the most impoverished and dangerous towns in America. According to FOX, the job of the millionaires is to spend one week canvassing the town - meeting as many people as possible - some of whom will touch the millionaire with their dedication to helping others while others will have incredible stories of trying to overcome tremendous odds. On the final day, the Secret Millionaire meets with the chosen recipients and reveals his/her true identity and intentions - to give them a sum of money that is going to change their lives forever.
Gurbaksh Chahal is one of the secret millionaires who are going to feature on the show! It looks like it’s going to be a huge hit. To know more about GURBAKSH CHAHAL, the secret millionaire, please visit the site http://www.chahal.com
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Gurbaksh Chahal Featuring on Reality TV Show on FOX “The Secret Millionaire”
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
San Francisco Examiner Features “GURBAKSH CHAHAL”
At the age of 26, internet business entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal is a legend in the making. Gurbaksh Chahal, more commonly known as "G", has already created and sold two Internet companies (ClickAgent & BlueLithium). He sold ClickAgent for $40million and BlueLithium to Yahoo for $300 million and emerged as a rising media star.
Gurbaksh is currently represented by the William Morris Agency, and will star in December in “The Secret Millionaire” on Fox. His memoir “The Dream”, which recounts his road to success, will be published in six countries in December by Palgave MacMillan. The goal of this book is to inspire individuals throughout the world to understand the elements of risk in the pursuit of one’s dream.
Read more about “GURBAKSH CHAHAL” at http://www.chahal.com
Monday, August 11, 2008
Gurbaksh Chahal: Working on Reality TV Show
"The Dream" is G’s latest project. It involves an upcoming book and reality-TV show. Gurbaksh Chahal , a 26-year-old Indian American, who sold his internet advertisement company “BlueLithium” to Yahoo for $300 million, is now working on a realty television show that would identify and award young innovative entrepreneurs in the States. According to Gurbaksh, all the major developments in the field of internet business in the last 10 years have come from young entrepreneurs or more or less by individuals who are in schools pursuing a dream.
Through this reality TV show, Chahal said the people of America would help him identify a young entrepreneur to launch his or her innovation. The winner of the reality show would win $1 million as seed money to start his new venture. To read more about Gurbaksh Chahal’s reality TV show, please visit the site http://www.chahal.com